Halloween 2011 launched a group of reformed organizers collaborated together to unite under a roof called Titans Productions; Established in 2011, a group of devoted people to bring to the Lebanese culture different varieties of social and cultural events.
Superheroes vs. Villains:
Its booming event was held under the title of Superheroes vs Villains, in a lounge on the 32nd floor in the Habtoor Hotel, it was supposed to be witnessing 800 spectators but 1200 people attended this devious event, remarks were spectacular and people thanked the management for their astonishing accomplishment.
Of course, with the photography of our professional photographer mr. Karanouh, well, here's a link for more details so you can witness it yourself.
I Luv RnB:
After Halloween's exciting outbreak, the Titans decided they can pull off a theme for the christmas month in the same venue they resorted to for Halloween, and it was epic! Every Thursday, a concept was made "I Luv RnB" where 1200 people attended the event throughout the month.
Bringing to you local and international DJ's to promote Hip-Hop, I Luv RnB is a concept brought to you directly from Britian, with every week a famous DJ making lebanon re-live every moment of giveaways and toasts.
A lot of letters but we were as confused as you were, well it stands for AUB's Dorm Club Society; where this is a formation of the dorms around the American University in Lebanon and uniting them under this club where different occasional events and activities are hosted to make students closer to each other. Thank you to their utmost trust in the organizers, the launching party was hosted in G Club, Beirut where it filled the club with 350 attendees, the club couldn't hold much more.
Superheroes vs. Villains:
Its booming event was held under the title of Superheroes vs Villains, in a lounge on the 32nd floor in the Habtoor Hotel, it was supposed to be witnessing 800 spectators but 1200 people attended this devious event, remarks were spectacular and people thanked the management for their astonishing accomplishment.
Of course, with the photography of our professional photographer mr. Karanouh, well, here's a link for more details so you can witness it yourself.
I Luv RnB:
After Halloween's exciting outbreak, the Titans decided they can pull off a theme for the christmas month in the same venue they resorted to for Halloween, and it was epic! Every Thursday, a concept was made "I Luv RnB" where 1200 people attended the event throughout the month.
Bringing to you local and international DJ's to promote Hip-Hop, I Luv RnB is a concept brought to you directly from Britian, with every week a famous DJ making lebanon re-live every moment of giveaways and toasts.
A lot of letters but we were as confused as you were, well it stands for AUB's Dorm Club Society; where this is a formation of the dorms around the American University in Lebanon and uniting them under this club where different occasional events and activities are hosted to make students closer to each other. Thank you to their utmost trust in the organizers, the launching party was hosted in G Club, Beirut where it filled the club with 350 attendees, the club couldn't hold much more.
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